Kailua Mustangs Pop Warner Association

2024 Fall Cheer Program



Aloha and thank you for your interest in Kailua Mustangs (Team Kailua). We are excited for this opportunity.  Please read through all the information carefully and if you have any questions please let us know. 


This registration session confirms that you are interested in our FALL Cheer Program. Practices to begin mid August 1 (more information to be sent out at a later time).  Payment can be made by Cash (Dates to be provided in email) or Credit Card (w/processing fee of 3.25%+$1.50 p/ payment) or VENMO.  NO PERSONAL CHECKS

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 


Please direct any questions regarding this registration to:   info@kailuamustangs.com

Kailua Mustangs


Phone: (808) 728-0319